If you have ever searched on Google you have seen adwords. The
most common form of internet advertising is Google Adwords, Google Adwords are the small text ads that ae displayed on the side of the search
results in Google.
For the past several years Google has been the most used
search engine. As a result, we focus our advertising efforts
on this search engine. Google Adwords account for up to 30% of all search
engine traffic. That means more and more users are looking to the right column
of the search page to find sites that have what they are looking for.
The ads are contextual and will be searved based on what you are looking for .
The ads are contextual and will be searved based on what you are looking for .
So if you do a printing search on printing services,you will
get ads for printing services alongwith your search resuts.
How does it generate money for Google and advertisers.
Google Adwords works on a model known as pay per click,when
someone clicks on Adwords ad the advertiser of that ad has to pay Google a
certain amount.It is easy to track and fully automated.
Google ad sense as stated earlier is an extention of google
adwords it takes Adwords concept and moves it off of Google search page and
onto thousand of other web pages.
The ads are displayed on the websites are the Google Adwords